Friday, May 20, 2011


so much for my plan to do a new post every night!  just feeling incredibly grateful to be getting to spend all this time with lila, frisco and addie.  even though it's hard with mark in ny, i am so happy he has a job so that i am able to be home and spend so much time with them.  I was worried at first about how I would juggle it all-- truth be told, before mark had left, i'd never put all three to bed by myself!  given what we went through last summer, i know it sounds silly that i was nervous about such a thing, but, well, i was.  And we have gotten into such a rhythm-- i find it's actually one of my favorite times of the day.  don't get me wrong, sometimes I feel on the verge of a mini breakdown as i try to get frisco dressed or, for example, like tonight, addie throws up all over herself and lila's room, but, it's a really special time.  they used to fight over who gets to sit in my lap-- with addie pinching whomever was there at the moment.  but now, we sit 4 in a row-- so, if lila's in my lap, frisco is in her lap and addie is in his lap.  how cute is that?!  anyway, what i really wanted to record today (cause i am hoping to use this blog to document photos and memories for the kids) was that this morning i was woken up at 6:45, not by frisco, but by birds chirping.  our windows are pretty bad and you can hear a pin drop a block over, so at first i assumed they were outside.  but then, as i became more and more awake, i thought "wow, that's loud chirping."  and sure enough-- two birds flying around the staircase.  Major panic.  Animal lover that i am, i do not like birds.  And our last experience with a bird that got in the house was that it flew into my closet and.., well, i don't really know what happened cause i hid in another room while mark dealt with him, but i know it took a long time.  so my first instinct, naturally, was to quickly shut my door.  But then i see frisco come out of his room.  And this is my son in a nutshell.  As he's walking to my room, he sees the birds, says "hi birds" and keeps walking.  !!!  I just keep thinking about that and I get a big smile.  It's so... Frisco!!    

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