Thursday, September 29, 2011

Summer and Back to School

we spent july in nyc at Ali and Jack Schneider's apartment on East 75th street.  Lila and Frisco went to camp for three weeks at Temple Israel.  In August, we rented a house in Bridgehampton (41 Woodruff Lane).  We spent lots of great family time-- with Ma and Pop Pop and Uncle Eric and Aunt Rebecca and cousin Jacob and also with Mimi, Grandpa, Aunt Amanda and John.  Highlights were going to Wolfer Vineyards for a picnic and live music on friday night, going to the beach (the kids' favorite was called Scott Cameron), and hanging out with Charlie and Layla (and Alex Gaines for me!).  it was so fun.  Lila and Frisco also went to the Art Farm camp, which they still talk about (though in the moment, they weren't always so psyched to go).  There was a pony named Cisco, who was a big hit.  We had a nanny named Wendy who Addie hated.  In fact, if Addie was crying at night and Wendy went in, Addie would say "no. Sleep" and lie back down.  It was the one plus side.  Here are some pics from the summer.

It was really a perfect summer.  Aunt Meryl flew home with us and stayed for three weeks.  The kids love her so much!  And, of course, Mimi was here and saved the day since Mark is working in NYC till Oct 16th.  Lila started Kindergarten at LCW and Frisco started at Walther.  Both of them are so happy.  Every morning, Addie wishes she could come- she says "addie, go!  Me, go!"  On the few mornings she gets to come to do drop off, she is so happy.  She continues to blow us away every day.  Lila and Frisco love her so much (even though she sometimes pinches and hits them).  But she is so loving, so affectionate, and has such a love for life.  She is very strong-willed.  There really is no reasoning with her if she makes up her mind about something.  And the best news is that we were "upgraded" to cardiology appointments from every  3 months to every 6 months.  She is in the 50%percentile for weight (and 20th for height) and eats like a champion.  We are so, so blessed.  I love them so much it hurts!

Friday, May 20, 2011


so much for my plan to do a new post every night!  just feeling incredibly grateful to be getting to spend all this time with lila, frisco and addie.  even though it's hard with mark in ny, i am so happy he has a job so that i am able to be home and spend so much time with them.  I was worried at first about how I would juggle it all-- truth be told, before mark had left, i'd never put all three to bed by myself!  given what we went through last summer, i know it sounds silly that i was nervous about such a thing, but, well, i was.  And we have gotten into such a rhythm-- i find it's actually one of my favorite times of the day.  don't get me wrong, sometimes I feel on the verge of a mini breakdown as i try to get frisco dressed or, for example, like tonight, addie throws up all over herself and lila's room, but, it's a really special time.  they used to fight over who gets to sit in my lap-- with addie pinching whomever was there at the moment.  but now, we sit 4 in a row-- so, if lila's in my lap, frisco is in her lap and addie is in his lap.  how cute is that?!  anyway, what i really wanted to record today (cause i am hoping to use this blog to document photos and memories for the kids) was that this morning i was woken up at 6:45, not by frisco, but by birds chirping.  our windows are pretty bad and you can hear a pin drop a block over, so at first i assumed they were outside.  but then, as i became more and more awake, i thought "wow, that's loud chirping."  and sure enough-- two birds flying around the staircase.  Major panic.  Animal lover that i am, i do not like birds.  And our last experience with a bird that got in the house was that it flew into my closet and.., well, i don't really know what happened cause i hid in another room while mark dealt with him, but i know it took a long time.  so my first instinct, naturally, was to quickly shut my door.  But then i see frisco come out of his room.  And this is my son in a nutshell.  As he's walking to my room, he sees the birds, says "hi birds" and keeps walking.  !!!  I just keep thinking about that and I get a big smile.  It's so... Frisco!!    

Friday, April 29, 2011

Beach Day

today I took Lila and Frisco to the beach.  We went to the Annenberg Family Beach House with Levi and Yvonne.  They loved it.  They played in the sand, rode their bikes, played in the playground and ran through the sprinklers.  Then we had lunch at the cute restaurant there.  I want to go back every day!  It was truly awesome and all that for the $6 parking fee.  Frisco told me I was "pooh."

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I'm panicking that the kids are growing up and i'm not documenting photos and experiences so figured this was a great way to do it.  The kids can read it in 10 years and maybe some family members along the way.  Today Lila said "I feel like my heart is huge and a piece of you is inside it."  How beautiful is that?!  I feel the exact same way!  Today Frisco went to The Walther School for the first time ever.  He spent the morning there and loved it.  He played in the kitchen, rode the tricycles and had snack.  He didn't want to leave.  The other kids were so nice to him.  And tonight Lila stepped in a glass shard.  Never a dull moment!